Sunday, October 19, 2014

Our weekend in review

Gosh, I love weekends!
And this weekend was a good, busy one.
Here's a quick recap:

Alexis goes to step aerobics
(not a joke)
Alexis goes on a walk with Lizzie and her baby
Alexis makes lotion
Alexis makes carrot cake cookies
Alexis makes way too many trips to the grocery store
because she keeps forgetting certain ingredients
Alexis mails a birthday package
Alexis wonders why shipping is so expensive
Alexis looks at what she did Friday morning and considers that she may be a grandma
trapped in a 23-year-old body

6 PM
Jason returns from Atlanta
Alexis is relieved
Alexis is worried Jason contracted Ebola
Alexis watches for symptoms
Jason seems to be okay
Alexis still not convinced

Jason and Alexis carve pumpkins
Alexis wants to make Cinderella's carriage
(since that was made out of pumpkin too!)
Jason obliges
Alexis paints the details while Jason inserts golden pretzel window supports
Alexis insists on drapes, because privacy
Jason creates drapes out of paper towels
then steals two decorative pumpkins for the wheels
Jason decides against using two yams as horses
because who wants to build a stagecoach platform
Aint nobody got time for that

The pumpkin carriage is complete!

Alexis tries to pose like a princess

Alexis pretends she's a photographer and takes family photos

Alexis uploads photos and races to Gilbert to film a wedding
Jason meets up with her at the reception and purposely begins dancing like he's in a boy band
just to embarrass her
She's used to it by now
Alexis films sparkler exit and is stressed to the max because a grandpa was walking in front of the couple THE WHOLE TIME
Alexis gets over it and goes to bed

Alexis wakes up and looks at the clock
Alexis freaks out
The alarm didn't go off and she and Jason are supposed to be at church NOW
to practice a song they're singing in sacrament meeting in 30 minutes
Alexis and Jason get ready in a whirlwind
all while singing come thou fount of every blessing
(with gospel-choir style riffs by Jason)
to warm up their voices because they don't really know the tune or the words of what they're supposed to be singing
Alexis and Jason arrive just in time for the sacrament
Jason frantically tries to learn his notes
and Alexis wonders what he's doing as he looks at the music
because he doesn't read music
Oh well
Thanks to a prayer and a deep breath it all worked out

Alexis thinks a nap sounds pretty nice!

Looks like he beat me to it :)

Hope your weekend was a memorable one!

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